ComicList: The World's Greatest Comic Book Shipping Information Website!


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comiclist_for_05_14_2014 [2014/05/19 17:49]
comiclist created
comiclist_for_05_14_2014 [2014/05/20 03:27] (current)
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 5/14/14,DC COMICS,JSA Omnibus By Geoff Johns Volume 1 HC,​$125.00 ​ 5/14/14,DC COMICS,JSA Omnibus By Geoff Johns Volume 1 HC,​$125.00 ​
 5/14/14,DC COMICS,​Justice League United #1 (Gene Ha Variant Cover),AR 5/14/14,DC COMICS,​Justice League United #1 (Gene Ha Variant Cover),AR
-5/14/14,DC COMICS,​Justice League United #1 (Mike McKone ​Canadian ​Variant Cover),AR+5/14/14,DC COMICS,​Justice League United #1 (Mike McKone ​Justice League Canada ​Variant Cover),AR
 5/14/14,DC COMICS,​Justice League United #1 (Mike McKone Combo Pack Cover),​$4.99 ​ 5/14/14,DC COMICS,​Justice League United #1 (Mike McKone Combo Pack Cover),​$4.99 ​
 5/14/14,DC COMICS,​Justice League United #1 (Mike McKone Regular Cover),​$3.99 ​ 5/14/14,DC COMICS,​Justice League United #1 (Mike McKone Regular Cover),​$3.99 ​
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