ComicList: The World's Greatest Comic Book Shipping Information Website!


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 ====== The ComicList Database And Archive====== ====== The ComicList Database And Archive======
 +ComicList was founded Jan. 12, 1995 with the mission of empowering comic book consumers by providing accurate and timely information. By delivering the weekly list of new releases, along with news concerning current and future products available in local and online comic book shops, we enable consumers to meet their goals more effectively.
 +The new releases list, which details the comic books, graphic novels, trade paperbacks, and other products you will find in your local and online comic book shops, is posted weekly every Monday night.
-ComicList was founded Jan. 121995 with the mission of empowering comic book consumers by providing accurate and timely informationBy delivering the weekly list of new releasesalong with news concerning current ​and future products available in local and online comic book shops, we enable consumers to meet their goals more effectively+All works presented hereunless noted otherwise, are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License, and are © 1995-2016 by Charles LePage.
-{searchform} The new releases listwhich details ​the comic books, graphic novels, trade paperbacks, and other products you will find in your local and online comic book shops, is posted weekly every Monday night.+While I am updating the new databasefeel free to peruse ​the [[https://​​open?​id=0B9sURKo5LWa3YzczM2NlODAtMGJiOC00NWRjLThkMDgtZTFiOGJjZjljZDli|old database]]. ​ Picosearch ​will still work for the old database.
-All works presented here, unless noted otherwise, are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License, ​and are © 2010 by Charles LePage. +My thanks to Bill Kaplan for his advice on and beta testing of the new Database website.
- +
-While I am updating ​the new database, feel free to peruse the [[http://​​NCRL/​|old database]].+
 {{rssticker>​ComicList Headlines,​http://​​comiclistcomplete,​0,​rss,​3000,,,​left}} {{rssticker>​ComicList Headlines,​http://​​comiclistcomplete,​0,​rss,​3000,,,​left}}
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