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comiclist_for_10_29_2014 [2014/10/27 18:24]
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comiclist_for_10_29_2014 [2014/10/30 12:20] (current)
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 10/​29/​14,​MARVEL COMICS,​Uncanny X-Men Iron Man Nova No End In Sight TP,​$15.99 ​ 10/​29/​14,​MARVEL COMICS,​Uncanny X-Men Iron Man Nova No End In Sight TP,​$15.99 ​
 10/​29/​14,​MARVEL COMICS,​Wolverine And The X-Men #​11,​$3.99 ​ 10/​29/​14,​MARVEL COMICS,​Wolverine And The X-Men #​11,​$3.99 ​
-10/​29/​14,​MARVEL COMICS,​Wolverine And X-Men Volume 1 Tomorrow Never Learns TP,​$17.99 ​+10/​29/​14,​MARVEL COMICS,​Wolverine And The X-Men Volume 1 Tomorrow Never Learns TP,​$17.99 ​
 10/​29/​14,​MONSTERS FROM THE VAULT,​Monsters From The Vault #​33,​$9.98 ​ 10/​29/​14,​MONSTERS FROM THE VAULT,​Monsters From The Vault #​33,​$9.98 ​
 10/​29/​14,​MOONSTONE,​Green Lama Horror In Clay Prose Novel SC,​$7.99 ​ 10/​29/​14,​MOONSTONE,​Green Lama Horror In Clay Prose Novel SC,​$7.99 ​
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