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comiclist_for_07_10_2013 [2013/07/08 17:57]
comiclist created
comiclist_for_07_10_2013 [2013/07/09 14:18] (current)
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 07/​10/​13,"​ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONS","​Sonic The Hedgehog Archives Volume 21 TP",​$7.99 07/​10/​13,"​ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONS","​Sonic The Hedgehog Archives Volume 21 TP",​$7.99
 07/​10/​13,"​ARSENIC LULLABY PUBLISHING","​Arsenic Lullaby The Big Stall (One Shot)",​$11.99 07/​10/​13,"​ARSENIC LULLABY PUBLISHING","​Arsenic Lullaby The Big Stall (One Shot)",​$11.99
-07/​10/​13,"​ASPEN COMICS","​Bubblegun ​#2 (Of 5)(Cover A Direct Market)",​$3.99 +07/​10/​13,"​ASPEN COMICS","​BubbleGun ​#2 (Of 5)(Cover A Mike Bowden)",​$3.99 
-07/​10/​13,"​ASPEN COMICS","​Bubblegun ​#2 (Of 5)(Cover B Aspen Reserved)",​$3.99+07/​10/​13,"​ASPEN COMICS","​BubbleGun ​#2 (Of 5)(Cover B Mark Brooks)",​$3.99 
 +07/​10/​13,"​ASPEN COMICS","​BubbleGun #2 (Of 5)(Cover C J. Scott Campbell)","​AR"​
 07/​10/​13,"​ASPEN COMICS","​Dead Man's Run #​6",​$3.50 07/​10/​13,"​ASPEN COMICS","​Dead Man's Run #​6",​$3.50
 07/​10/​13,"​ASPEN COMICS","​Fathom The Elite Saga #4 (Cover A Ken Marion)",​$3.99 07/​10/​13,"​ASPEN COMICS","​Fathom The Elite Saga #4 (Cover A Ken Marion)",​$3.99
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