ComicList: The World's Greatest Comic Book Shipping Information Website!


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comiclist_for_04_24_2013 [2013/04/24 05:52]
comiclist created
comiclist_for_04_24_2013 [2013/07/23 08:39] (current)
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 04/​24/​13,"​DARK HORSE COMICS","​Mind MGMT #​10",​$3.99 04/​24/​13,"​DARK HORSE COMICS","​Mind MGMT #​10",​$3.99
 04/​24/​13,"​DARK HORSE COMICS","​Ningen'​s Nightmares TP (resolicited)",​$12.99 04/​24/​13,"​DARK HORSE COMICS","​Ningen'​s Nightmares TP (resolicited)",​$12.99
-04/​24/​13,"​DARK HORSE COMICS","​Star Wars Legacy Volume 2 Prisoner Of The Floating World #​2",​$2.99+04/​24/​13,"​DARK HORSE COMICS","​Star Wars Legacy Volume 2 #​2",​$2.99
 04/​24/​13,"​DC COMICS","​All-Star Western #19 (Glenn Fabry Regular Fold-Out Cover)",​$3.99 04/​24/​13,"​DC COMICS","​All-Star Western #19 (Glenn Fabry Regular Fold-Out Cover)",​$3.99
 04/​24/​13,"​DC COMICS","​Arrow #​6",​$3.99 04/​24/​13,"​DC COMICS","​Arrow #​6",​$3.99
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